January Personal Net Worth Report

In Monthly Net Worth Reports by Shlomo FreundLeave a Comment

personal net worth


Here is my monthly post of our personal net worth progress.

I’m sharing this to show how important it is to track your net worth and seeing the progress. You can also learn of what works and what you should change in your finances.

If you don’t know what the net worth definition is, check it here.

So, here is my personal net worth analysis for the month.


This was month was a very interesting one. On the last two month, I kept reporting how #Bitcoin rate keeps going up and help support the growth of our personal net worth. So, not anymore… I also said that our stock portfolio investment in the US did well and supported to grow. That was not the case either this month and still, the net worth grew in 1.47%.

So, what happened?

1. The stock portfolio in Israel actually did very well and covered the plato on the US stock investment.

2. We got nice tax returns from 2016 this month. It was a very nice surprise and to be exact this sum is about 65% of the whole increase this month.

Also, this month we had to switch one of our loans from a bridge loan to a regular amortization schedule loan which decreases our monthly cash flow, unfortunately. The new loan has a higher interest rate which obviously I’m not happy about obviously.

Here is what’s going to happen this coming month

This coming month I’m about to set a meeting at the bank to renegotiate my loans. So far I got very good rates but as time goes by the bank keeps increasing the interest rate for me although my risk is lower (My personal net worth is getting better). So, I’m not happy about this and need to go and meet the banker. If they refuse, it’s time to move to a new bank.

Here is what you should take from here:

Diversify your investments. Thanks to the diversification some of the assets went down while others went up which made this month positive then. That wouldn’t have been the case if we had a stock portfolio only in one geography.


How was your personal net worth doing this month?


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