December Personal Net Worth Report

In Monthly Net Worth Reports by Shlomo FreundLeave a Comment

personal net worth


This is my monthly report of our personal net worth progress for December 2018.

I’m sharing this to show how important it is to track your net worth and seeing the progress.

This is what I also expect and advise my clients. From tracking this, you can learn what works and what you should change in your finances.

So this month we are at records high in spite of the stock market turbulences.

Our personal net worth is up by 6.67% our savings rate is 74.96% for this month.

An Awesome month!


Processing the numbers for this month was a real pain this time. It took me relatively long time as I had some unusual and complicated cases to resolve to make sense in my personal tracking.

Eventually I managed to balance the numbers but with an inconsistency of about 30-35USD (100 ILS). I figured it’s not worth my time finding the mistake there and moved on to write this post. So, bear with me.

The thing is that this growth in my personal net worth was not thanks to any of my mentioned investments so far but thanks to a dividend I’m getting from my company in China, AppInChina.

If you don’t know what the net worth definition is, check it here.

On my personal net worth I’m not counting the company as part of my assets. This is because I prefer being conservative about my estimations. But of course, whenever that company pays a dividend I enjoy this and that is a direct increase in my cash flow.

Envestio were a bit disappointing this month. I’ll tell you in a minute why. But thanks to them I realized something important this month.

Hear the story.

As I said, last month I doubled the investment I had in Envestio and this indeed doubled the dividends as well from them (It’s nice passive ~80 USD every month that i’m making now).

After I invested the additional amount in, I waited for more projects to come in, so I can invest in them. That was especially important since in December I got back my first principle investment paid to my Envestio account. So, there was a nice sum ready to be re-invested.

Envestio though opened one investment project that paid 16% a year at that time. Since in the last few month they released projects that paid 18-23.5% a year , I decided I’m not going to invest in that. I became Greedy, and waited for more lucrative projects.

The month continued on, and they proposed another project for 16% a year. This time, I was too late to even get it. As there were no other projects introduced I’m sure other investors had the same thought in their mind: It’s better to put the money in a project thank in no project and let it work for you.

So, next month I expect my Envestio dividends to drop a bit as some of the money is not invested now.

Jorgen Wolf, mentioned on his November report that Robocash and Crowdestate are going through a similar process where the offered investments % is going down.

So, lesson learned. 16% is still great, I should stop being picky/greedy.

Anyway, If you do decide to join Envestio through my link, you’ll get an extra 5 € bonus + 0.5% cash back for the next 270 days after you invest

Last remark about Envestio, I was really confused about how they calculate their affiliate earnings. After getting in touch with their support and also speaking about this with Jorgen, I’m all clear about that. Do you want me to write a post about this to explain the whole calculation? Their referral payments are super generous compared to other platforms. So, if you decide to invest through them you might want to understand better how much you can earn by promoting them.

Anyway, leave a comment if you are interested, this is how I’ll know if I should invest the time working on such a post.

Okay, enough Envestio news. Next topic!

I’d really like to invest in more p2p platforms. But as I stated here previously I’m at the process of purchasing a house in the UK. So, need to money for that.

And Indeed, there was a progress this month with this, we chose a house to invest in with the help of our agent!

I met the lawyer and they should do the due-diligence on the property. However, nothing really moved further so far as it’s holiday time.

Let’s dive into the details of our personal net worth.


Loans: The Israel bank interest rate went up this month for the first time after about 7 years. But still it went up in a tine fraction of 0.15% , making the base interest rate on 0.25% , so my loans I have are a fraction more expensive.

Other types of loans I’m looking at are mortgages for buying the house in the UK. There is an option to make a down payment of 50% and get a mortgage of 50% or buying 100% of the house and later refinance for the next house we will buy. I didn’t get yet a concrete offer from the bank, so can’t make a decision yet.

I’m also looking at another option to get a mortgage with a company called Liquid Expats. So far, they told me they can finance up to 75% of a property which is amazing but only to properties worth more than 100K GBP, which is not the type of properties I’m looking at.

They are now checking if I can invest in 3 houses worth 100+ GBP at 75% funding. Let’s see. That means I can invest the same amount as I intended but get 3 houses instead of one. I’ll update once I have some news on this.

US & Israeli Stock portfolio:  More slash of the market in this front. Is this the bottom yet? I don’t know and it doesn’t matter since it’s a long-term investment.

US real estate: We finally got the check on that investment. But guess what? It’s not in the bank yet. It takes 3-6 weeks for the amount to be reflected in my bank. Why? Because they are sending the check back to the US for approval (whatever that means!). WTF?

Anyway, when the money will be in the account, it won’t change our personal net worth since the worth of the US investment will be deducted on that same amount. What it will reflect is in the cashflow part, and that money will go to pay for our UK house. It all come together quite well.

Bitcoin: Another slash in bitcoin value this month (now at 1 BTC = 3760.9USD) .My Hashflare Mining is not profitable anymore by the way.


Online classes: So, after my talk to CulturalBility, I had another online event for Shenzhen party audience. This time it was a recorded event and I’m glad to share it with my audience. Click here to watch the recording of HOW TO ELIMINATE MONEY AS A SOURCE OF STRESS AND GAIN CONFIDENCE IN YOUR FUTURE FINANCES.

If you’d like to organise another online or offline event with me. Please get in touch.

Mentorship: I joined Travelpreneur Tribe as a mentor for small businesses building their online business. They have retreats around the world where the next one will be in New York City this coming February.

So, if you’d like to start your location independent business check out their webpage for the coming retreat.

I also had a live interview with Mia Scuric the founder of Travelprenuer Tribe.

In this interview, we talked about how to get started with your finances. Designing lifestyle, the roadmap I developed for eliminating money as a source of stress, a few takeaways for you to get your first steps to gain confidence in your future finances and a giveaway from me to get started!


BTW, did you know FB live while inviting a guest to join in doesn’t work for Android yet?! That was very frustrating with this interview and would have been much more fun.

I’m sure we will do another interview once this feature is up. And no, I’m not going to buy an iPhone only for this that costs 6 times more than the current phone I have.

Reading: 2018 just ended and I managed to finish 14 books out of my 12 books goal. My 2019 goal is to read 18 books.


Shlomo’s bookshelf: read

Unconditional Parenting: Moving from Rewards and Punishments to Love and ReasonNickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in AmericaYour Money or Your LifeHow to Raise a Wild Child: The Art and Science of Falling in Love with NatureThe One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary ResultsNever Split the Difference: Negotiating As If Your Life Depended On ItThe Joy of Not Working: A Book for the Retired, Unemployed and OverworkedScaling Up: How a Few Companies Make It...and Why the Rest Don'tFreakonomics: A Rogue Economist Explores the Hidden Side of EverythingA People's History of the United StatesThe 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal ChangeYour Money or Your LifeEarly Retirement Extreme: A Philosophical and Practical Guide to Financial IndependenceContent Inc.: How Entrepreneurs Use Content to Build Massive Audiences and Create Radically Successful BusinessesVirtual Freedom: How to Work with Virtual Staff to Buy More Time, Become More Productive, and Build Your Dream Businessגן עדן בפתח הבית80/20 Sales and Marketing: The Definitive Guide to Working Less and Making MoreExpert Secrets: The Underground Playbook for Finding Your Message, Building a Tribe, and Changing the WorldSimple Prosperity: Finding Real Wealth in a Sustainable LifestyleGive Your Child the World: Raising Globally Minded Kids One Book at a TimeThe Trusted AdvisorMoonwalking with Einstein: The Art and Science of Remembering EverythingCrusade in EuropeThe Tipping Point: How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference

Travel: Major pain point here. Both my parents ended up at the hospital recently. We had to postpone our trip only two days before the flight which was due Mid December. We still hope to travel in the next few weeks but no specific date yet. I hope my next report will be when we are already there.

Lifestyle: I had requests to share more personal pictures here. So, first I invite you to follow me on Instagram. I share there personal stories and experiences we have.

Here are a few.

And last thing. This is a message I got from a client. Isn’t THAT a great way to end 2018?


Do you track your personal net worth? What insights did you get this month? Add it in the comments.


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