August Personal Net Worth Report

In Business, Investments, Monthly Net Worth Reports by Shlomo Freund4 Comments

personal net worth


Here is my monthly post of our personal net worth progress.

I’m sharing this to show how important it is to track your net worth and seeing the progress and this is what I also expect and advise my clients.

From tracking, you can learn of what works and what you should change in your finances. 

If you don’t know what the net worth definition is, check it here.

So, here is my analysis for August 2018 personal net worth

It’s already the 2nd month with nice progress now. We are up in 3.06%! (last month was 3.49%). So, we are again on another record high of our personal net worth. Whoot!

I started a new investment, just at the end of August. So, it will reflect in the next month’s analysis.

I’m glad to say I decided to test a new investment of p2p or crowdinvesting and put an initial amount into Envestio. It’s a p2p platform from Estonia which allows non EU residents to invest through it. These guys are paying up to 22% yearly on different investments they give bridge loans to , until they get proper long term financing from the bank.  

If you do decide to join Envestio through my link, you’ll get extra 5 € bonus + 0.5% cashback after you invest.

I’ll write a detailed review post once I get more experience with them.

The reason I decided to go ahead with it is because, I’ve been looking into p2p investment for quite a while but returns in p2p platforms in Israel are not lucrative compared to other investment options out there.

Then I bumped into an excellent blog by Jorgen Wolf called simply ‘Financially Free’.  His strategy is not building personal net worth but steady cash flow, mainly through p2p investment and real estate investment. He is super transparent on everything he does. He has an excellent review on Envestio and even visited them in their HQ in Riga.

I spoke long with him about Envestio and his investment philosophy. So, now considering him a friend 🙂  He was very helpful!

Anyway, Envestio will go into the monthly reports from next month on.

Let’s dive into the details of my personal net worth


Generally speaking, this was a good month.

Our US portfolio went up to almost record high (tiny difference from November), even though the exchange rate fell a bit on ILS/USD.

The Israeli Portfolio also went back up, though there are some stocks there that been performing really bad. Fortunately, it’s a 20 stocks portfolio so overall it’s performing ok.

Our US real estate suppose to partly be sold. So, let’s say it’s half an exit from this one. If will be reflected on the report once we get the principal payment back.

My long term pension savings is also at almost records high but unfortunately, I can’t do anything with this money until I’m ~67. I’m sure I could have managed it better than how it’s performing today.

Bitcoin stayed about the same from the previous month and Hashflare again stopped the mining process and won’t restart until Bitcoin rate goes up to around 8000 – 9000 BTC/USD, I guess.

As for our bank account, we got a nice amount now waiting for the next investment, so hopefully more coming up in the next few months.

Here is what you should take from here:

There are always new opportunities coming up and look into. I’m very glad I started with p2p now and will probably try a few more platforms to diversify (Yes, there is a risk Envestio disappears for some reason).

Also, Jorgen Wolf’s strategy is an interesting one to explore:

No stocks/ETF investments for a cash flow strategy.  


Do you track your personal net worth? What insights did you get recently?


Don’t forget to follow @FreeFinancialSelf



  1. Congrats on the 3% growth. In our household, we track our investment portfolio, real estate portfolio, principal pay down (on our rental mortgages) and credit card expenses (we try to charge most everything so it represents almost 100% of our variable spending). This gives us a good picture of where we are and helps us take more chances in our careers (husband left corporate for self-employment last year, I’ve been self-employed 11 years now). It also helps us see where we’re over-exposed (we’re looking to sell some of the real estate) and where we’d like to invest more (we’ve been particularly happy with multi-family and our private lending). So tracking is definitely helpful, and thanks for your sharing — it’s very motivating!

    1. Author

      Scott and Caroline thank you for sharing this. I’m about to go more into real estate in the next 6 months or so. Will be in Europe though. How is the market in Costa Rica?

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